Retail Pharmacy Technician Job Description

 I have been writing articles on why and how to become a pharmacy technician, but some recent feedback has made me realize I left out the obvious. What is it that pharmacy technicians do in a pharmacy. Most people figure they help the pharmacist enter prescriptions and count pills. This is true for an outpatient pharmacy, also called a retail pharmacy, but there are many roles for pharmacy techs in healthcare The rest of this article will discuss the job description of pharmacy techs in a retail or community setting, and provide a bulleted list of tasks. Future articles will cover different pharmacy settings for pharmacy techs and the job descriptions and tasks associated with them as well.

Community/Retail Pharmacy: I have worked retail, and I prefer other settings; however, it is where a large percentage of pharmacy technician jobs are found. What a pharmacy technician can do is determined by the state they work via state laws and rules. In general, technicians cannot provide clinical information to patients or be the final check for prescriptions. In some states, technicians are allowed to provide information on over-the-counter (OTC) medication (ie, medications that do not require a prescription, such as, acetaminophen and ibuprofen). Specific roles that pharmacy technicians can have in a retail pharmacy include: general technician, lead technician, buying technician, compounding technician, and billing/insurance technician. In most pharmacies, pharmacy technicians are general technicians with some of the above listed skill sets. When you go into a larger and busier pharmacy, you can actually have job differentiation where people have assigned specialized tasks (based on the needs of the pharmacy).

Pharmacy technician tasks for retail pharmacies include, but are not limited to:

Collecting patient information (insurance and personal information as needed)

Entering and processing prescriptions in the computer system

Filling and selling prescriptions

Requesting refills from doctor offices for patients

Compounding medications that are not commercially available

Ordering medications

Restocking shelves

Answering the phone

Working with insurance companies on approving payment for certain medications

Maintaining the cash register and conducting accounting functions

Retail pharmacies tend to get a bad rap from within the pharmacy profession. Although I prefer hospital (which will be the topic of the next article), I enjoyed my time in a retail pharmacy. I was able to get to know the customers (I like say patients) personally. It is a great feeling when a long-time customer comes to the pharmacy and you know them by name, maybe a little about their family, and most important you know their medical history. Because of this relationship, you are able to ensure that the patient's medication regimen is optimal, as a technician you can help determine if there are generic alternatives to medications prescribed in order to help the patient save money.

In summary, retail pharmacies are the most common type of pharmacy, and therefore the place where the majority of pharmacy techs are employed. Due to an increasing elderly population (thank you baby boomers), retail pharmacies will continue to increase in demand. If you find a pleasant retail pharmacy to work in, and good staff to work with, a retail pharmacy technician position can be a positive experience.

Rob Hoopi is a hospital pharmacy manager at a large community hospital. He was a pharmacy technician for over eight years prior to going to pharmacy school. He hopes to share what he has learned as a technician, and now as a pharmacy manager who manages technicians,

Although most pharmacy technicians receive informal on-the-job training, employers surely favor those who have completed formal training and have been certificated. Formal pharmacy technician education programs require some classroom and laboratory work in a variety of areas, including medical and pharmaceutical terminology, pharmaceutical calculations, pharmacy recordkeeping, pharmaceutical techniques, and pharmacy law and ethics. Technicians also are required to learn medication names, actions, uses, and doses. Many training programs include internships, in which students gain hands-on experience in actual pharmacies.

How to be a good pharmacy Technician? What kind of criteria do one need to be a good pharmacy technician?

1. Prospective pharmacy technicians gain their working experience as an aide in a community pharmacy or volunteering in a hospital before the actual employment. Applicants with mass experience managing medicine inventories, counting tablets, measuring dosages, and using computers as much as skillful in most of the clerical work is definitely an added bonus

2. To learn and grasp the knowledge of pharmacy technician's fast, a background in chemistry, English, Biology, Chemistry and Health education of any type may be beneficial.

3. Gain the certification and other qualifications. Both the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board and the Institute for the Certification of Pharmacy Technicians, administer national certification examinations. To be eligible for either exam, candidates must have a high school diploma or GED, no felony convictions of any kind within 3-5 years of applying, and no drug or pharmacy related felony convictions history before. Employers, often pharmacists, know that individuals who pass the exam have a standardized body of knowledge and skills.

4. One should get recertified every 2 years with 20 hours of continuing education within the 2-year certification period and at least 1 hour must be in pharmacy law. Continuing education hours can be earned from several different sources, including colleges, pharmacy associations, and pharmacy technician training programs.

5. Strong customer service and teamwork skills are needed because pharmacy technicians interact with patients, coworkers, and health care professionals 98% of their time

6. One need to have good skills and strong background in Mathematics, Spelling, and Reading as the pre-requisite to be a good pharmacy technicians. Successful pharmacy technicians are alert, observant, organized, dedicated, and responsible. They should be willing and able to take directions, but be able to work independently without supervisory and constant instructions.

7. Someone whom are familiar with medical terminology and well aware of all the medications, pills, injection fluids which are in the pharmacy in their scientific terms as well as more layman names.

8. Good interpersonal skills to deal with a wide variety of individuals in a team. He should be a team player, and mix along well with the rest of the team mates.

9. He needs to be someone who is adaptable to performing multiple tasks. He need to be capable to handle all kinds of instructions given by the pharmacists at any one time. He needs to be computer savvy as well to utilize the best of computer to complete his tasks accurately and in the shortest time.

10. A pharmacy technician must be precise when they deal with medications and the necessary doses for different patients, which will either heal or kill the one who consumed them; therefore details are sometimes a matter of life and death. Thus, the responsibility of the pharmacy technicians is very important as they deal with medications.

11. Candidates interested in becoming pharmacy technicians cannot have prior records of drug or substance abuse.

12. Good pharmacy technician deserve a good career advancement. In large pharmacies and health-systems or even government hospitals, pharmacy technicians with significant training, experience and certification can be promoted to supervisory positions, mentoring and training pharmacy technicians with less experience. Some may even advance into specialty positions such as chemo therapy technician and nuclear pharmacy technician.

8 Core Advantages of Contract Programming in the Software Development Industry

As we all know that programming industry is getting tougher rapidly and as a result of that the necessity of freelance programmers and contract programmers is being sensed vastly. In a professional software development firm, the programmers expertise module wise. Some times it is viewed that, such programmers are unable to work at different module in same project.

Hence the concept of freelance programming or contract programming arises in recent programming arena. These contract programmers are really very knowledgeable and have great expertise in web programming as well as the software development industry These freelance programmers can judge the task easily through their years of expertise, and are able to solve the problems in an faster manner.

These freelance programmers may follow single programming language like PHP, Dot Net, Java etc. but their skills reside in interface design, form processing, navigation maintaining, error handling, database handling, HTML development and also visual representation makes them famous in the software development industry.

Advantages of freelance contract programming

User interface design - It is the most critical part of any contract programming job. The main goal is to create a separate porting to make the user's interaction as smooth and capable as possible. The knack of any contract software programmer can be easily judged here.

Database handling - It is the phenomenal capability of any pronounced contract programmer. Database handling has three steps like database design, database development and the last but most crucial database administration. For easily and faster data insertion as well as fetching specific data from a database requires superb qualified software programming methods which can be implemented by professional contract programmers.

Error handling - The term error handling is so short but the original task is something very critical in nature. Technically we found two types of errors like physical errors and logical errors. Practically this is the main area in software development where programmers are concentrating much, the level of a contract programmer can be determined through his or her error handling capability.

Form processing - All kind of e-commerce websites, shopping cart websites etc. have enormous numbers of forms through which business owner receives maximum inquiries. Thus sometimes form processing will be a big issue for any professional programmer. It is also the segment in web development where you can judge the expertise of freelance programmers.

Sharp web presentation - Contract programmers are really keen to add smart coding within a well designed web template to enhancing more features into that website. Every kinds of amazing scripts for displaying giant images of tiny icons, swinging images, several types of drop down facilities and so many designing features can be added within a website by contract programmers.

Web accessibility - Web accessibility is the main key feature of any website to grow its business rapidly. To enable your website for all kinds of web traffic (including color blind peoples), web accessibility is vastly required. Freelance programmers can do it through their smart expertise.

Website flexibility - All kinds of professional websites are generally user friendly as well as search engine friendly. Yes, this above points are required at flexibility issue, but web flexibility means something different. These above issues can be easily solved by any freelance programmer, also they can do the W3 coding validation for all your web pages which help the website for greater benefits.

Smart navigation - A smart navigation system can rotate the web traffic throughout your website which will increase the business growth in an ethical manner. Professional contract programmers always take special care while doing this navigation part to enrich the website needs.

A timeshare is said to be a costly thing although it may give a great vacation experience to the owner. And with the economic climate that we are having today where almost everyone is cost-cutting, it may be wiser for the owner to get out from his/her timeshare contract. With this, he can opt for other cheaper forms of vacationing or use the money for other important matters. However, if the owner who had just bought a timeshare decides to get rid of such property, he may do so without forfeiting his/her initial payment by availing through a rescission period.

Right of Rescission

In US, almost all states have a rule of rescission. This is the time period in which the buyer can change his mind and cancel the sales contract without forfeiting any money. But be warned that the rescission period varies state by state.

Know Your Contract

First, check your contract for a clause that says something about a rescission period. Everything you need to know is in the contract. When you want to submit a rescission request, you can look for the specific details concerning the deadline in the contract. Then, it's time to immediately make note of your rescission deadline and the instructions on how to cancel your contract successfully.

Write a Cancellation Letter

Once you have found the needed information from your contract, make a certified letter stipulating that you want to cancel your timeshare agreement. Make it short and take note that you don't have to explain anything. The important thing is they know that you are exercising your right to rescind your contract by the terms of agreement. Include your name, address, contract number and date of purchase in your cancellation letter. Once the deposit was taken, you must request its return. In some cases, your company will have a form available to simplify the process and you can use that instead.

Send Your Rescission Letter before the Deadline

More importantly, you must send your rescission letter before the deadline to cancel your timeshare contract. With a certified letter, you can demand a signed receipt, which means that they have to respond. Also, make copies of all documentation. Moreover, make sure that it's postmarked before the deadline so that you have proof you mailed it on time if ever there are conflicts later on.

Time to Follow-up

On the other hand, if you haven't heard back from the company in 30 days, it's time to follow up and inquire about the delay so that you'll make sure that you can avail of the given rescission period.

Owning a timeshare these days is becoming unattractive. As a matter of fact, there are already thousands of current owners who are trying to get rid of their timeshares. Some even hire a timeshare transfer company such as the Transfer smart just to get rid of such property. If you're one of the owners who had just purchased such property and suddenly realized you need to get rid of it, you may avail its rescission period and assuming you followed their procedures cited above exactly, then, you will have no problem getting out of your timeshare contract.

Brief Assessment of Pre-Foreclosure Real Estate Buying Strategies

In this current economic condition, the demand for a creative real estate investor who knows and understands the different strategies and options available to distressed homeowners is at an all-time high. While this next decade will bring more economic hardship to more Americans than any other time in our nation's history, it will also provide more millionaire opportunities for those investors who are able to invest in the knowledge and take action.

Here is a brief summary of the myriad purchase strategies most successful real estate investors employ to distinguish our purchase process from that of realtors.

Wholesale (30%+ Equity)

A wholesale purchase is loosely defined as a property that can be purchased at greater than 30% discount to after-repaired value (ARV). Properties in this category generally require extensive rehabilitation in order to present them to retail buyers via the Multiple Listing Service (MLS). The typical seller does not have the time, money, or inclination to take on an extensive rehabilitation project. Consequently, investors add a significant amount of value by purchasing the property at wholesale cost and engaging the services of a contractor to present the property for sale at a later date. The role of a wholesaler is to find the property, get it under contract, and then 'assign' the contract to an end buyer for an assignment fee. This fee can be anywhere from $500 to $10,000. This strategy is where most beginners cut their teeth because it requires no money or credit to perform a transaction.

Fix and Flip

Buying a property well below market value, making repairs, and selling conventionally to an end buyer is generally known as a fix and flip strategy and is another one of the most common ways real estate investors begin their career. The goal of a general fix and flip is to put as little time and capital investment as possible into the property and resell as quickly as possible at the low end of the market. For many handymen and tradesman, this strategy is the next logical progression of their careers.

Short Sale (-10 - Equity)

Short sales are not called such because they are short in time or in paperwork. A short sale is a purchase strategy where an investor engages the seller's lender(s) to discount their lien on the property in order to make the deal more attractive. Banks will generally discount a property if you can prove to them that both the seller and the property are in distress.

To prove the seller is in distress, they must show a financial hardship, like medical problems, death of a family member without life insurance, job loss, divorce, etc. Whatever the underlying cause, a homeowner will be required to send in the appropriate documents in order to demonstrate a hardship to the lender.

In order for lenders to justify discounting their notes on a property, it generally needs to be "upside down," or have a negative equity position. It will be the responsibility of the Investor to provide proof that the property is in distress.

Due to all the paperwork and negotiating involved, a successful short sale can take several months to perform.

Subject-to (0% - 30% Equity)

Subject-to purchases generally involve a considerable amount of paperwork and are often misunderstood by sellers and many investors. The simplest way to think of a subject-to purchase is to recall the time when notes were fully assumable. Legislation was later passed to discourage or virtually eliminate assumptions so the modern day assumption analog is to purchase properties subject-to.

To understand the subject-to concept, it is important to understand that the deed for a property and the mortgage for a property are two completely separate documents. Purchasing a property subject-to simply means that you take ownership by taking the deed subject-to the existing financing remaining in place. The distinction between a formal assumption and a subject-to purchase is that the lender for the property does not have to "sign off" on the transaction.

Selling a property subject-to generally benefits sellers financially. Transaction and holding costs eat through any notional equity that sellers will be left with when they sell. Realtors conveniently avoid discussing this with sellers when they arrive at their house to get a listing agreement signed. The goal as investors is to give the seller the same net profits you would get if you marketed, listed, and sold the house with a Realtor, only quicker. The primary value that we add is giving you this same amount of equity and completing the transaction in 5-7 days instead of the months of work and worry that are created using the traditional sales process.

A subject-to purchase is typically used when there is good financing on a property relative to the current market interest rates or the possibility of executing a load modification to make the financing favorable. Properties are typically purchased at less than a 20% discount to after-repair value (ARV), which equates to around the same net sale proceeds using the traditional realtor process. If loans are delinquent or small repairs are needed the investor will pick up the tab along with the minor transaction costs for title insurance and escrow fees.

Contract Assignment (-5% - 10% Equity)

A Contract Assignment (CA) purchase strategy is generally used for properties where the debt is relatively high as compared with the market value of the property. Properties that have between 10% and -10% equity generally fit into this category. This purchase strategy is similar to subject-to described above in many respects. The distinction is that the original seller agrees to take the financial burden of making mortgage payments going forward instead of the investor agreeing to do so. Financial gains from the transaction are also borne by the seller. The investor shows the seller how to execute this type of transaction and assigns the contract to a new buyer.

The primary source of value for the seller in this type of transaction is that it opens the buyer pool up significantly. Instead of having to market the property to a cash buyer that has a sufficient down payment and credit rating to purchase with third party financing the seller can finance the transaction with the help of an investor professional. Sellers are also relieved of having to bring cash to closings to fund transaction and holding costs implicit to the traditional sales process

The more you learn about creative ways to buy and sell properties, the more opportunities you will have for wealth. As Sophocles once said, "Wisdom outweighs any wealth." There has never been, nor will there ever be, a better time in America to take action in real estate!

Don't Continue To Be A Slave To Out-Of-Control Personal Finances. Try These Tips!

Many people think that financial problems are a sign of failure. In reality, however, poor financial management is usually just due to a lack of education about this important topic. If you learn more about finances, you can equip yourself to get out of debt and begin saving. Read on for some help.

When trading on forex, make it a goal to learn about market trends. It is very vital to constantly stay informed in order to know when to sell high or buy low. Don't sell in a swinging market of any kind. You must be very clear in your goals when you do not ride a trend out completely.

Start building up an emergency fund today. In an ideal world you should have at least three months, preferable six months, living expenses stored away. Put it in an easy access, high interest savings account If you don't have any money saved, remember that it is never too late to start saving.

Watch those nickles and dimes. Small purchases are easy to forget about and write off, as not really making much of a difference in your budget. Those little expenses add up fast and can make a serious impact. Take a look at how much you really spend on things like coffee, snacks and impulse buys.

If one is lost on where to start taking control in their personal finances, then speaking to a financial planner may be the best course of action for that individual. The planner should be able to give one a direction to take with their finances and help one out with helpful information.

Do not buy anything unless you really need it and can afford it. This way you will save your money for essentials and you will not wind up in debt. If you are discerning regarding what you purchase, and use cash to buy only what you need (and at the lowest possible price) you will not have to worry about being in debt.

Manage your finances at a bank that offers a free checking account. Even if the fees seem small, having a checking account that charges fees every month can drain hundreds of dollars a year from your account. Many banks and credit unions still offer a totally free checking account option.

The opportunity to sign up for a direct deposit program should always be taken. Not only does direct deposit save the consumer time in trips to the bank, it usually saves him or her money, too. Most banks will waive certain monthly fees or offer other incentives to encourage their customers to take advantage of direct deposit.

Taking a job at a store that carries many thing that are of interest to you can be a great decision. Not only will you earn a paycheck for working at that store, but will also receive an employee discount that can be used to save money on things bought there, providing two benefits to your personal finances.

Offering one's services as a cat groomer and nail clipper can be a good choice for those who already have the means to do so. Many people especially those who have just purchased a cat or kitten do not have nail clippers or the abilities to groom their pet. An individuals personal finances can benefit from something they already have.

Before signing a lease agreement, talk to your future property management about the privacy policies. Many places require social security numbers and many other personal pieces of information, but they never explain how this information is stored and kept safe. Stolen identities are on a sky high rise in the past decade and without proper safekeeping from the management company, yours can be next.

If you (or your spouse) has earned any type of income, you are eligible to be contributing to an IRA (Individual Retirement Account), and you need to be doing this right now. This is a great way to supplement any type of retirement plan that has limits in terms of investing.

Even if you have just a little money left over after paying your monthly expenses, you should look for ways to invest it. When you invest, the interest that you earn from your investment compounds over time. So if you invest just a small amount, this can add up to a large amount.

Find the financial institution that meets your savings goals. Avoid paying monthly transaction and maintenance fees by finding local credit unions, banks or thrifts offering free checking accounts. If no completely free checking is offered in your neighborhood find an institution where you can make your account free by signing up for direct deposit or you using your debit card a few times a month.

Buy tires for your car, two at a time. They aren't cheaper that way but it will be much easier on your pocketbook than buying all four at once! For safety reasons, it is often advisable to ask your mechanic to rotate the tires that were on the front of your vehicle to the back and put the new ones on the front.

Sort out your financial situation. This may take a long time, but setting small financial goals can help put your mind at ease. Financial problems put a strain on the rest of your life, so it is best to handle them as quickly as you possibly can so you can live your life in peace.

A vital step in getting your personal finances in order is to make a budget. If you do not like that term, call it a spending plan. Whatever you call it, make sure you get it done. You cannot make progress towards better controlling your finances if you do not have a handle on where your money is coming from and where it is going.

Now that you've learned a little more about finances, hopefully, you realize that your past financial mistakes were just due to a lack of knowledge. You should definitely know better now; just put the knowledge you've gained from this article into action to turn your financial situation around.


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